Have your say on the Preferred Approach Paper in our review of preventive detention and post-sentence orders
Te Aka Matua o te Ture | Law Commission has published a Preferred Approach Paper in our review of the laws protecting the public from offenders who pose significant risks.
The Preferred Approach Paper makes proposals for the reform of the current law on preventive detention, extended supervision orders and public protection orders. We propose that these three current preventive measures should be repealed and replaced with a new Act. The Preferred Approach Paper sets out in detail how we think that new Act should look like.
We are looking forward to hearing about your thoughts on our proposals. Along with other relevant evidence and analysis, this will help us to make our final recommendations for law reform.
The Commission is accepting submissions until 5pm on 20 September 2024.
More information, including a copy of the Preferred Approach Paper, can be found on our project website.
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