Kei te tūrama arotahi
In the spotlight
Have your say on the Preferred Approach Paper in the review of preventive detention and post-sentence orders
Te Aka Matua o te Ture | Law Commission has published a Preferred Approach Paper in our review of the laws protecting the public from offenders who pose significant risks.
The Preferred Approach Paper makes proposals for the reform of the current law on preventive detention, extended supervision orders and public protection orders. We propose that these three current preventive measures should be repealed and replaced with a new Act. The Preferred Approach Paper sets out in detail how we think that new Act should look like.
We are looking forward to hearing about your thoughts on our proposals. Along with other relevant evidence and analysis, this will help us to make our final recommendations for law reform.
The Commission is accepting submissions until 5pm on 20 September 2024.
More information, including a copy of the Preferred Approach Paper, can be found on our project website.
Ngā mahi o te wā
Current work
Hara ngākau kino
Hate crime
Te Aka Matua o te Ture | Law Commission has been asked to review the law relating to hate crime. The review will focus on whether the law should be changed to create standalone hate crime offences as recommended in recommendation 39 of the Report of the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the terrorist attack on Christchurch masjidain on 15 March 2019.
Visit projectIa Tangata
A review of the protections in the Human Rights Act 1993 for people who are transgender, people who are non-binary and people with innate variations of sex characteristics
Te Aka Matua o te Ture | Law Commission is examining the protections in the Human Rights Act 1993 for people who are transgender, people who are non-binary and people with innate variations of sex characteristics.
Visit projectHe arotake i te ture mō ngā huarahi whakatau a ngā pakeke
Review of adult decision-making capacity law
Te Aka Matua o te Ture | Law Commission is reviewing how the law should respond when an adult’s decision-making is affected.
Visit projectHapori whānui me te tangata mōrea nui: He arotake o te mauhere ārai hē me ngā ōta nō muri whakawhiu
Public safety and serious offenders: A review of preventive detention and post-sentence orders
We are reviewing the laws protecting the public from offenders who pose significant risks through preventive detention, extended supervision orders and public protection orders.
Visit projectWhakaputanga
Our publications
Our publications are available for free online. Browse or search for publications.
About our publications
The Commission has several series of publications, some of which are now historical:
- Reports (NZLC R1 onwards) – Our law reform reports summarise the issues with the law under review, report on the feedback received from consultations and make recommendations for the reform and development of the law. Our reports are presented to the Minister responsible for the Law Commission and to Parliament.
- Issues papers (NZLC IP1 onwards) – These provide detail of the current state of the law under review, discuss the issues with it and invite consultation on questions posed and potential proposals for reform. Sometimes, if a law reform project is large and the issues complex, multiple issues papers may be published. A project may also publish an issues paper following initial public consultation that presents a preferred approach to reform and asks for further feedback. These publications are not presented to Parliament.
- Preliminary papers (NZLC PP1 to PP55) – This series included any paper published preliminary to a final report, but, over time, other publication series replaced it, and the series was discontinued in 2006. These publications were not presented to Parliament.
- Study papers (NZLC SP1 onwards) – Several types of publications have been published under this series in the past, sometimes overlapping with the functions of our other publication series. From 2021 the papers we publish in this series establish a conceptual framework and/or provide background research or educative material on an area of law, sometimes published as the output of a project that was not intended to produce a final report or as a reference paper for a wider project. These publications are not presented to Parliament.
- Miscellaneous papers (NZLC MP1 onwards) – Several types of publications were published under this series in the past, sometimes overlapping with the functions of our other publication series. From 2024, only papers that don’t fit within the definitions of our other publications series are published in this series. These may include ministerial briefings and advice to other government agencies. Ministerial briefings, previously published under their own series, may include further advice following a final report, reporting our findings on a discrete aspect of a review before the publication of a final report or reporting fast-track advice in a manner that would not be possible in our usual full review process. These publications are not presented to Parliament.
- Ministerial briefings (NZLC MB1 onwards) – This series has been discontinued and publications previously published under it can instead be found under the Miscellaneous papers series.
- Corporate information – These are publications relating to the Commission, such as our annual reports, statement of intent/performance expectations and briefings to the incoming minister.
We also sometimes publish supplementary documents, such as summaries, appendices or easy-to-read materials, alongside our papers. These are not included under any publication series but can be found on the webpage of their related project.
What we do
We identify issues with the law, research them deeply, engage with people to discover more, and recommend improvements.
What happens to our work
The Government considers our advice and decides whether to implement our recommendations for law reform.
Past work
With over 120 final reports to date, the Commission has been working to improve the law since 1987.